BLE Scanner

Plug n Play

Plug and play

Just stick it on your assets to be tracked

Effortless Integration


Start monitoring your assets on dashboard.

Wide Compability

WiFi Compability

Supports iBeacon, Eddystone, Classic, AltBeacon

Battery life

1 Year Battery life

Product Overview

The device is primarily used in asset monitoring. The device scans BLE beacons at a regular interval and sends information about the name of the beacon, RSSI, MAC ID, Advertisement payload etc.

Product is used in industries to monitor assets, forklifts, human, etc.

The Easy-BLE Scanner, scans for different types of beacons


Developrd by Apple, considered a standard for BLE beacon technology, but can be proprietary due to its Apple-centric nature.


Google’s open-source alternative to iBeacon, offering more flexibility with different frame type like Eddystone-UID (unique identifier), Eddystone-URL (Broadcasting a URL), TLM(telemetry data).


Proprietary beacon developed with custom payload


An open-source beacon standard created by Radius Networks, aiming to provide similar functionality as iBeacon but with wider device compatibility.    It connects to the 4G Gateway using WiFi to connect with the cloud

Power Requirements

Device is powered using 5V power adapter that comes with device.

Data Packet Structure

  "ts": 1733987712,
  "ver": 1.1,
  "cid": 0,
  "stored": 0,
  "mac": "XX:XX:84:7E:2F:6C",
  "btc": [ {
      "mac": "XXXXXX93a86",
      "rssi": -94,
      "name": "A-PC",
      "ts": 1733987722
    }  ],
  "ble": [ {
      "mac": "XXXXXXe53096",
      "rssi": -82,
      "ts": 1733987722,
      "manufacturerData": "0x060001092002ba

Typical Application

  • Monitor Froklifts inside factory premise
  • Monitor assets in factory-identify missing asstes 



Bluetooth Version

BLE 5.3​

Operating Voltage


Package Type

ABS Enclosure

Communication Range

40+ meters line of site


25 mm x 25 mm x 10 mm


10 gm


iBeacon, Eddystons, Classic, Custom, AltBeacon



Bluetooth Version

BLE 5.3

Operating Valtage


Package Type

ABS Enclosure

Communication Range

40+ meters line of site


25 mm x 25 mm x 10 mm


10 gm


iBeacon, Eddystone, Classic, Custom, AltBeacon


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It can scan 50+ BLE in one scan.

Approximately 40 meters line of site on both direction should be fine. If there are impediments or metal objects or wall, the range will drop.

Press settings buttons for 10 seconds, the device will create a Hotspot. Connect to the hotspot and visit on your Browser. A settings page will appear for you to change configuration.

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