Network OBD Platform - Two Employee try to reducing costs and enhancing operational effectiveness

Ensure timely response to site failures, reducing costs and enhancing operational effectiveness.

Overcoming Challenges

The Network OBD platform not only meets present needs but it also caters to the future needs.

Robust Scalable Architecture

Supports 1.5 Million Calls Per Day

Supports SIP and PRI

Supports for Different Voices in TTS

Template Based Voice Call

Unmonitored performance of field engineers

Extensive Reporting Analytics

Api Based Integration 

Multiple Escalation Level

Existing Ticketing System

Business Benefits

Ensures Immediate Call Iniation To Field Engineer

Reduce Time To Inform Site Engineer

Ensures Escalation For Issue Resolution

Reduction in Call Centre expenses

Generates Extensive Reports For Performance Monitoring

Business Benefits

Ensures Immediate Call Iniation To Field Engineer

Reduce Time To Inform Site Engineer

Ensures Escalation For Issue Resolution

Reduction in Call Centre expenses

Generates Extensive Reports For Performance Monitoring

Integrate IoT into your telecom operations.

Telecom Platforms

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