10 Tips to Designing Content for Digital Signage

Yoo…, I am ready with my newly installed digital signage screen in my retail shop. I am looking forward to increase foot falls and increased sales as well, but hey… am I passing right message to my audience? Is my content on digital signage is welcoming enough?
One thing we must understand here, every communication medium is different and content should be aligned to the strength of that medium. e.g. Television is an audio video medium and consumers spend good amount of time in front of it, radio is an audio medium and most of the time consumers are indulging in other activities while listening to it, web and mobile are view only medium and so on.
Digital Signage India Market

Digital signage market in India is growing and with rapid pace. 6Wresearch projected that Digital Signage India market is expected to reach $524 million by 2019. (Ref 2) The reason for this expected growth could be due to multiple reasons. I have tried to put up some of the reasons why Indian Digital Signage market is expected to grow at this pace and what would it mean to the digital signage industry in India.