Top 5 reasons for Tablet Digital Signage in retail

Over past few months, digital signage India market has been showing new trends. Retailers are showing keen interest in placing Tablets based digital signage in stores. Some of the reasons that why tablet digital signage in retail are getting traction were
Digital Signage India Market

Digital signage market in India is growing and with rapid pace. 6Wresearch projected that Digital Signage India market is expected to reach $524 million by 2019. (Ref 2) The reason for this expected growth could be due to multiple reasons. I have tried to put up some of the reasons why Indian Digital Signage market is expected to grow at this pace and what would it mean to the digital signage industry in India.
Interesting reasons why people go for Digital Signages

Can the technology help?
Since almost year or so, I have been going out to meet Retailer and Large companies to position our Digital Signage. With a success and failure on different occasions. From the experience so far, I have listed 5 important reasons why they went for Digital Signage. Hope you find it useful too.
Digital Signage – Turning ATMs from Cost to Revenue

How did ATM start?
The roots of ATMs go to the efforts of banks to reduce the operational cost at branches. Back then, to provide services to the consumer at the most convenient and nearest locations, the banks needed to setup branches at the deepest part of the country. Creating a new branch had its own cost – space, people, electricity, maintenance and many more. However, most of the transactions that took place in the branch were cash out and checking of balance. Came in the ATMs and changed the entire ball game. Banks started setting up ATMs aggressively. Companies like FIS, IndiCash, Clover, started providing ATM setup and management as a services. The world was good. That phase of cost savings has gone and the bank managements have started looking at ATMs as a strategic location to generate revenue from.